June 16, 2024

June and the Most Sacred Heart

How the sweet warmth of June can draw us closer to the ever-burning love of His Most Sacred Heart.

June has always carried a unique sweetness. Long summer days, eating as many strawberries as possible, loud but warm thunderstorms, the scent of elderflower soaked by rain… My favorite time of the year for long strolls around town. Across the half-open church doors, I hear voices singing the litany to the Sacred Heart…

During my summers in Warsaw, every evening I would try to find a daily Mass followed by June devotions. In front of the Blessed Sacrament, in the warm summer air, I let myself be surrounded by the flames of the One True Love, losing myself in contemplating the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

There lies a paradox. For the heart seems to be an entirely human attribute, the seat of our changing and fleeting emotions. Yet, in His heart are boundless, immeasurable depths of Love. A fount that never turns dry, eternally relieving our thirsting souls.

No human heart can compare to this perfect Divine model. Not when we feel our own hearts are so frail, prone to brokeneness. We are left to wonder how such a perfect heart can exist. Another reflection of the incomprehensible mystery, the full Divinity and Humanity of Christ.

And yet the perfection of His Sacred Heart should not be a discouragement. It can pull us upward, teach us to trust in His ability to heal our wounds. For His heart too was broken countless times, and continues to be hurt day after day, as every sin pierces it more deeply.

In the midst of suffering, we ask ourselves if God even has a heart. But even across the veil of darkness cast upon our world, I do recognize glimpses of His love. Some people in my life are a constant reminder of how His true and unselfish charity can be immitated by us, imperfect humans. I see this in my husband’s daily sacrifices. In the moments of shared sweetness, but also when my weaknesses place an unfair strain on his patience. Every time someone bears my hurtful words or actions with forgiveness, it is His heart that lies in front of me. And I become the one deepening His wounds. It takes time to admit and recognize the mistake. But He is prepared to wait. With infinite gratitude I run into His open arms, hoping to fix the heartache I provoked.

With every day I am drawing to the mission of raising children. Something that fills me with excited anticipation, but also apprehension about the worries and sorrows that seem unavoidable. Then, I remember the image of the Heart that first loved us. And I ask Him to teach me how to follow His obedience, to draw from the abysss of all virtues, the fount of goodness and mercy.

Whatever challenges you are facing today, imagine yourself in front of His blazing Heart. A warmth beyond measures envelops you from all sides. He is inviting your little, imperfect heart into His. Even just a few sparks from this burning furnace of charity can melt any paralyzing ice.

June sweetness, with its pleasant tingling warmth and the thundering storms bringing a breath of renewal, perfectly embodies this beautiful devotion. A transformative charity setting our hearts aflame.

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