May 26, 2024

Celebrating Pentecost

A reflection on the Holy Spirit’s work in guiding artists and a few tips on how to create your own traditions for celebrating Pentecost.

Pentecost had a more special place in our family calendar this year, as we tried to truly bring the feast to life. And what a great joy it was to prepare a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, as we anticipated His coming for the nine days since the Ascension.

Guided by the Spirit

The Third Person of the Trinity can seem so abstract and volatile, difficult to grasp. I had to sit back in quietude to become more aware of His place in my life. Pentecost was perfect for eliminating the distractions which deafen my heart to the soft, yet more vital voice. A time for listening carefully to His breath, being guided by the whisper. As a mother growing a new life inside me, I’ve realized just how much I need the Spirit’s support in co-operating with the work of creation. Already, the fruits of the Spirit are permeating my heart. And when the time comes to raise my daughter in this world, I will need them more than ever. Joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, patience, faithfulness, and self-control.

And as an artist, I know that without the inspiring flame of the Spirit, my writing would not be the same. Entrusting it to God, in a search of Beauty, elevates the efforts to a worthier position. By calling upon the Holy Spirit, artists can pursue their creative mission, experimenting boldly, but without straying from the path of truth. The world cannot stand in place forever, ignoring the need for progress. Creators find new forms to express the same ideas of beauty, truth and goodness which have been part of the world since the dawn of time. As we strive to bring the eternal into a novel shape, the Holy Spirit guides us to pursue progress in the light of truth. He shows the many open roads, helping us explore the unknown, while making sure we do not hit against a wall or try to force our way through a false trail.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” ~ John 14:26

With such divine guidance, how could one err off the path? Tradition can be given new flavors, amplifying what has been with us always, bringing hidden aspects into new light. But if the Spirit truly dwells within us, never will our progress contradict the eternal Truth.

Celebrating Pentecost

Discovering new ways of celebrating Pentecost, which will reflect its spiritual reality more tangibly, can itself bring a holy breath of renewal.

Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, is supposed to be one of the most important feasts for Catholics, after Easter and Christmas. But somehow, the celebration isn’t as deeply engrained by common traditions, so it can be difficult to remember what a special day it is. The Spirit of the Lord was sent down upon the Apostles, and until today lives in the Church, guiding her works.

Sometimes when there are too many customs surrounding a holiday, instead of pointing towards its meaning, these divert attention, and the celebration can become too materialistic. Think of Christmas consumerism craziness, or Easter becoming just an eat as much chocolate as possible day… At least Pentecost wasn’t caught into the trap of becoming a commercialized celebration.

But then again, our faith is meant to be embodied, not purely spiritual. So, we wanted our home to reflect the coming of the Holy Spirit, for our hearts to be more open to His creative work. What are some ways to celebrate Pentecost and give worthy thanks for the great gifts of the Holy Spirit? Here are a few tips to merge the spiritual and material into a beautiful feast, to better remember what (or rather whom) we’re honoring. You easily elevate Pentecost to a bit more than your average Sunday 😊

Pray a Novena to the Holy Spirit

First of all comes spiritual preparation. After the Ascension of our Lord, the disciples waited for nine days until the descent of the Holy Spirit. Following Jesus’ words, they waited in unity and prayed. This was the original novena. What better way to prepare for the Spirit’s coming than to imitate the disciples in their devotion? Praying this novena for me was a great reminder of the place of the Holy Spirit within Creation, the Church, and my life. I reflected on whether I was building a worthy place for Him. And on how to open myself to His creative flame, that I may continue to write what holds in its depth, beauty, truth, and goodness.

Dove decoration

This is a cute way to remember the Holy Spirit’s presence. Just as you can decorate eggs at Easter, we discovered a traditional Czech way of making these doves out of eggshells. Ours was a simple yet effective rendition, but you can get as creative as you like with these. Let yourself be moved by the renewing breath.

Flowers and dove

Vases overflowing with flowers

A floral and blossoming home can be a beautiful symbol of the fruits of the Spirit. Let your vases overflow as your heart would with His gifts poured out onto you.

Dress thematically – red, white, or flowy clothes

Fiery colors can represent the flaming tongues descending upon the Apostles, but also how His gifts set our hearts on fire today, to bravely continue our mission of evangelizing. The Church is not stagnant, but through the Spirit is continually renewed, to always better face trials of the present age.

Cook something special

I usually make our Sunday meals more festive, but for this one I tried boosting the inventiveness, to sprinkle things with subtle allusions to the Holy Spirit. Our menu featured stuffed cabbage rolls, which in Polish cuisine are called “gołąbki”, meaning “pigeons”. A play on words, referring to the dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit. And for dessert, a rhubarb frangipane tart was meant to match the red color theme.

While Sunday was for traditional Polish tastes, on Monday I prepared a meal that would illustrate the Spirit’s work of renewal into Tradition. This came about through “loaded pierogi” (a discovery made in Toronto) – a culinary fusion between classic Polish pierogi and a topping from a completely different cuisine. This time, we went for Mexican chili, and the results were scrumptious. Charismatic flavors came out splendidly!


Another idea would be spicy food, to bring out tongues of fire. There are so many options, just have fun using your imagination!

In a nutshell, I found that turning Pentecost into a bigger festivity calls for a lot of creativity. How convenient, given that the Holy Spirit inspires this flame in us! Biblical imagery is a great place to start looking for ideas to render His presence more tangible in your celebrations. Hopefully, these few hints will be a good prompt for you next year, and you’ll enjoy working with the charisms of the Holy Spirit to create your own traditions 😉

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